
Wadium w 2 minuty

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Sprawdź, jak to zrobić - Film


Tomasz Kusio
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni Oddział: Instytut Morski
Zamieszczenia : 06-12-2023 12:11:00
Składania : 10-12-2023 23:59:00
Otwarcia : 11-12-2023 07:00:00
Tryb: Zapytanie ofertowe
Rodzaj: Usługa

Wymagania i specyfikacja


we inform about the proceedings conducted by the Ordering Party in accordance with the internal regulations of the organization.

We invite you to submit offers via the electronic form below.

We reserve that the proceedings may end without selection of the offer because of exceeding the estimated funds.

If you have questions: 

- substantive, please contact me via the button "Send a message to the ordering party" or by calling +48 603 255 550

- related to the operation of the platform, please contact the Customer Support Center of the Open Nexus shopping platform open from Monday to Friday on business days, from 8:00 to 17:00.

  • phone: +48 22 101 02 02

  • e-mail: cwk@platformazakupowa.pl

We would like to point out that the official confirmation of the willingness to execute the order by the Ordering Party is sending the order or signing the contract. 

Notifications from the purchasing platform are informative.

Załączniki do postępowania

Postępowanie nie posiada załączników


Osoba wystawiająca postępowanie nie zamieściła dodatkowych komunikatów

Przedmiot zamówienia

Lp Nazwa Opis i załączniki Ilość
/ Jm
Cena netto / Jm Vat Cena brutto / Jm Waluta Adres dostawy Dołącz
1 Calibration of load cells - compression 1-50 kN, accuracy <0,03%FSO, transducers are part of devices - calibration in laboratory of Ordering Party 21 szt. Laboratorium Geotechniczne
al. Grunwaldzka 311A
80-309 , Gdańsk
2 Calibration of load cells - compression & extension 5-25 kN, accuracy <0,03%FSO, transducers are part of devices - calibration in laboratory of Ordering Party 10 szt. Laboratorium Geotechniczne
al. Grunwaldzka 311A
80-309 , Gdańsk
3 Calibration of displacement transducer 25-50 mm, accuracy 0,001 mm, transducers are part of devices - calibration in laboratory of Ordering Party 21 szt. Laboratorium Geotechniczne
al. Grunwaldzka 311A
80-309 , Gdańsk
4 Calibration of pressure tranducer 1000-3500 kPa, accuracy <0,15%FSO, transducers are part of devices - calibration in laboratory of Ordering Party 25 szt. Laboratorium Geotechniczne
al. Grunwaldzka 311A
80-309 , Gdańsk
5 Calibration of axial on-sample transducer 10 mm, accuracy 0,001 mm, transducers are part of devices - calibration in laboratory of Ordering Party 6 szt. Laboratorium Geotechniczne
al. Grunwaldzka 311A
80-309 , Gdańsk
6 Calibration of radial on-sample transducer 5 mm, accuracy 0,001 mm, dedicated for samples 50 and 70 mm diameter, transducers are part of devices - calibration in laboratory of Ordering Party 6 szt. Laboratorium Geotechniczne
al. Grunwaldzka 311A
80-309 , Gdańsk
Kursy walut NBP

Kryteria i warunki formalne

Lp Nazwa Waga kryterium Opis i załączniki Twoja propozycja lub komentarz Dołącz Plik
1 Cena 100% Wartość oferty 0,00 PLN netto
0,00 PLN brutto
2 Terms of payment - Transfer 30 days from the delivery of a correctly issued invoice. Please confirm by typing "I accept" (0)
3 Time limit for completion - until 31st December. Please confirm by typing "I accept" (0)
4 Additional costs - Any additional costs, including transport costs, on the contractor's side. Please confirm by typing "I accept" (0)
5 All calibration certificates issued by laboratories with the mark of the national accreditation body (equivalent to the Polish PCA) - Please confirm by typing "I accept" (0)
6 Items 1-6 calibrated in the laboratory of Ordering Party - Geotechnical Laboratory of the ZGM IM UMG: 311a Grunwaldzka Ave., 80-309 Gdańsk, Poland. Please confirm the condition by typing "I accept" (0)
7 All load and pressure measuring devices calibrated at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 % of its working range. - Please confirm by typing "I accept" (0)
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