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Postępowanie: Górażdze Cement S.A. Wheel Loaders

Łukasz Kamiński
Górażdże Oddział: Grupa GÓRAŻDŻE
Zamieszczenia : 19-09-2023 10:56:00
Składania : 27-09-2023 09:41:00
Otwarcia : -
Tryb: Zapytanie o ofertę - RFQ
Rodzaj: Dostawy

Wymagania i specyfikacja

Dear Supplier,

On behalf of Górażdze Cement S.A. which is the part of the Heidelberg Materials , I invite you to submit offers for the supply of a wheel loaders for the Zelazna and Zadworzany Gorazdze Aggregates Quarry and Gorazdze Cement Quarry Gorazdze.  

Please find the Tender documents for your kind consideration attached.

Conditions to tender are mentioned as follows and we would appreciate receiving your favourable offers by 3.0. p.m. on29th September  the latest.

General issues/requirements
For the scope of this tender, business shall be based on Buying as specified in the individual demand sheets.
Please ensure you complete all requested commercial information including Unit price (consists of Basic Machine price, site specific requests and price for extended warranty if required) and residual value, if requested.
Technical specifications – have to be discussed with the plants directly. Relevant Contacts are defined in the individual demand sheets.

Please advise Cost of service agreement/contract, if requested by site.
Please note the special warranty requirements in the demand sheets.
Please note the delivery schedule in the demand sheets.
Payment terms: Standard - 60 days net after delivery. Please come up with alternative proposals, if this should be to the benefit for our operations.
Quote currency: For all quotes, EUR
Delivery Term: DDP Plant.
Evaluation of bids: will be based on your submitted excel sheet and commercial envelope. Please fill in the yellow and blue part of the sheets only. Other lines are blocked for your use.

In attached you will find specification of the machines we are looking for. 

We are looking forward to receiving your bids!

Heidelberg Materials  minimum safety standards according to HC guidelines are mandatory/to apply
(see attached .pdf-file )

Contact persons from buyer side:

Technical aspects :
Mr Adam Kaczmarczyk
+48 785 905 830

Commercial aspects :
Mr Łukasz Kamiński +48 697 050 222

Załączniki do postępowania

safetylist update (28April2021).pdf pdf 642.08 2023-09-19 10:56:00 Postępowanie
POL23-WL01_Wheelloader_Quotation Template 2023_Zadworzany.xlsx xlsx 66.74 2023-09-19 10:56:00 Postępowanie
POL23-WL02_Wheelloader_Quotation Template 2023_Zelazna.xlsx xlsx 66.74 2023-09-19 10:56:00 Postępowanie
POL23-WL03_Wheelloader_Quotation Template 2023_Gorazdze.xlsx xlsx 67.5 2023-09-19 10:56:00 Postępowanie


Osoba wystawiająca postępowanie nie zamieściła dodatkowych komunikatów

Przedmiot zamówienia

Lp Nazwa Opis i załączniki Ilość
/ Jm
Cena netto / Jm Vat Cena brutto / Jm Waluta Adres dostawy Dołącz
1 Wheel Loader Zadworzany - 1 szt. - (0)
2 Wheel Loader Zelazna - 1 szt. - (0)
3 Wheel Loader Gorazdze - 1 szt. - (0)
Kursy walut NBP , EUR: 4.2567 PLN

Kryteria i warunki formalne

Lp Nazwa Waga kryterium Opis i załączniki Twoja propozycja lub komentarz Dołącz Plik
1 Cena 20% Wartość oferty 0,00 PLN netto
0,00 PLN brutto
2 Delivery time 30% Till end of 2023 (0)
3 meeting the requirements of the specification 30% - (0)
4 Warranty 20% - (0)
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