Register as a supplier

Division into groups is a form of services classification in accordance with Buyer`s needs. Belonging to a certain group will give your company the posibility to get automatic email notifications about ongoing proceedings related to your company"s profile.


Select the Suppliers Group that is of interest to your company and if you are logged in, click the Register as a supplier button


If you are not logged in to the platform but you have an account on the platform, enter the email address and click the Register as a supplier button


If you do not have an account on the platform, enter your e-mail address and click on the Register as a supplier button

List of Supplier Groups of the company Górażdże

Choose Name Description
Aramatura sanitarna, kanalizacyjna i przemysłowa -
Badania laboratoryjne surowców i paliw -
Dodatki do betonu -
Dodatki płynne np. inhibitory, płyny do klimatyzacji i uzdatniania wody -
Ekspertyzy/feasibility study/opracownia naukowe/dokumentacja inna niż projektowa -
Energia elektryczna -
Gaz ziemny, gaz wielkopiecowy -
Gazy techniczne np. tlen, acetylen, dwutlenek węgla itp.
Instalacje - kopalnie kruszyw -
Instalacje do pakowania cementu np. pakowaczki, paletyzerki itp. oraz części do nich