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Postępowanie: FSM-2023-06-07 Ukrainian Leading Expert at the project of continued support for vocational education reform in Ukraine

Zamieszczenia : 20-06-2023 23:19:00
Składania : 28-06-2023 11:00:00
Otwarcia : 28-06-2023 11:05:00
Tryb: Zapytanie ofertowe
Rodzaj: Usługa

Wymagania i specyfikacja

For anyone interested, We would like to inform you about the Call for Experts (attached) conducted by the Contracting Authority in accordance with the Solidarity Fund PL's procurement policy (attached). We invite you to submit bids via the electronic form below. We stipulate that the procedure may end with no tender being selected in the event of: - insufficient funds for the execution of the contract, - change of the Contracting Authoriti's demand.

If you have any questions: - substantive, please contact me via the "Wyślij wiadomość dla zamawiającego" button - related to the operation of the platform, please contact the Customer Support Centre of the Open Nexus Purchasing Platform open from Monday to Friday on working days, from 8:00 to 17:00. tel. 22 101 02 02 e-mail: cwk@platformazakupowa.pl We would like to point out that the official confirmation of the Purchaser's willingness to carry out the order is the sending of the order or signing the contract. Messages from the purchasing platform are for information purposes only.

Załączniki do postępowania

03_SFPL_Compliance_02_Procurement policy.pdf pdf 427.51 2023-06-20 23:19:00 Postępowanie
FSM-2023-06-08 Call for Expert.pdf pdf 670.62 2023-06-20 23:19:00 Postępowanie
FSM-2023-06-08 Application form.docx docx 462.75 2023-06-20 23:19:00 Postępowanie
FSM-2023-06-08 Information on the opening of bids.pdf pdf 533.2 2023-06-28 11:24:21 Publiczna wiadomość
FSM-2023-06-08_Protokół z prac Komisji Przetargowej - podpisane.pdf pdf 393.78 2023-06-29 14:44:02 Publiczna wiadomość


2023-06-29 14:44 Przetargi FSM The Solidarity Fund PL informs that the offer for the ekspert usługa of "leading Ukrainian ekspert in the project of continuation of support of vocational education reform in Ukraine" submitted by Gennadyi Rusanov, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivana Puluya Street 9/21, for the total Wartość of PLN 108,000 was found by the Tender Committee to be the most advantageous, meeting all the requirements komplet by the Employer.

We enclose the protocol of the Tender Committee (in Polish).

FSM-2023-06-08_Proto [...].pdf

2023-06-28 11:24 Przetargi FSM Please find attached information about the opening of bids.

FSM-2023-06-08 Infor [...].pdf

2023-06-28 11:00 Komunikat Zamawiającego Thank you for submitting your bid. We would Stała to inform you that the maximum amount the Contracting Authority intends to allocate to finance the contract is PLN 108 000 gross. On the doba of decryption i opening of the bids we will publish information about the submitted bids, i in the following days - the bid evaluation protocol with information about the results of this Call for Experts.

Przedmiot zamówienia

Lp Nazwa Opis i załączniki Ilość
/ Jm
Cena netto / Jm Vat Cena brutto / Jm Waluta Adres dostawy Dołącz
1 Price per day please write the offered price (gross) per day 1 szt. - (0)
Kursy walut NBP , EUR: 4.2499 PLN

Kryteria i warunki formalne

Lp Nazwa Waga kryterium Opis i załączniki Twoja propozycja lub komentarz Dołącz Plik
1 Cena 30% Wartość oferty 0,00 PLN netto
0,00 PLN brutto
2 Application form - Please attach the application form (filled and signed - scanned form with signature or electronically signed with time stamp and IP eg by EPUAP or similar tool (optional) (Zamawiający wymaga załączenia pliku) (0)
Odblokuj formularz

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